Archive: Pain Relief Gifts

Back Pain Relief with Acupressure Mat

I’ve introduced this product from a previous post about Gifts for people with back pain but wanted to mention this family of acupressure mats again since having received lots of positive feedback from this website, through my friends and relatives who have used the products.

An acupressure mat, is a self-applied acupuncture device commonly made of a foam mattress covered in cotton sacking and embedded with hard plastic disks containing protruding spikes. Like acupuncture, acupressure mats are used to improve well-being and manage symptoms of various medical conditions, like pain and poor sleep.

The acupressure mat, also referred to as bed of nails, was also covered in CBS News / Health segment in the US a couple of years ago. You can watch it here below.

Check it out on Amazon to see if and to what extent people with serious back pain think about the products. Acupressure mats ratings and reviews.

If you have used the product, please feel free to let me and other people know about how it worked for you. Happy gifting!

Gifts and Tips to Avoid Back Pain During Pregnancy

Gifts and ideas that can help expecting mothers relieve or avoid back pain

I have a related post about “Gifts for People with Back Pain” in which I introduced some gifts and gift ideas that can help us relieve back pains. Some of the items mentioned such as back braces, back mats or massage cushions are probably not suitable for expecting women. This post is a step further from the first post; here I’ll address how to avoid back pain during pregnancy and some practical gifts that are best suited for pregnant women in relieving and preventing pain. These are the things I collect from my families and friends and from various research.

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Gifts for People with Frequent Headaches and Migraines


I love writing about gifts and gift ideas that help us solve the problems we have or at least make them become more tolerable. That’s why the first couple of posts I wrote on Gift ASAP were all about pain relieving gifts — the kind of pains that my friends and relatives and probably yours, too, have been experiencing. This time, I’m turning to a problem that I’ve had — migraine headaches. The headaches can come out of the blue or can be triggered by anything from strong smell (of perfume or smoke), bright sun light, heat, noise, caffeine or stress and deadlines.

When the headache strikes, I don’t want to do anything, just want to lay down, close my eyes and rest. If it strikes at work, I turn off the light, take a cup of warm tea, and close my eyes for several minutes from time to time — small things that help get me through the day. Below are some products and gift ideas that people with frequent headaches will appreciate.

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Books for People with Back Pain


This is the book that has given thousands of sufferers new hope — a gentle, effective way to find real relief from back pain, without painkillers, without surgery, without spending days on end in bed.

Dr. John Sarno’s revolutionary approach to back pain is based on his discovery that tension is the underlying cause of most back problems–leading to an often unrecognized condition called Tension Mytosis Syndrome. In this book–the first to explain the psychophysiology, manifestations, and treatment of TMS — you’ll find clear steps, sensible advice, and simple illustrations to help you find relief, prevent future pain…and live life fully once again.

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