Archive: Gifts for Older People

Gifts for People with Arthritis

Automatic jar opener

I had a co-woker in Austin, Texas who has severe arthritis. He got arthritis from some immunization shot since early age. Even now I remember how painful it was for him during winter, and how difficult and painful it was for him to just bend down, or twist a bottle cap.

Most people with arthritis have some sort of physical pains and even physical limitations; like my friend, his fingers were always stiff, and due to the severe pain on his leg, he couldn’t even easily sit or bend down. For someone with arthritis, a gift or a bundle of gifts that would help with getting around more easily, doing chores around the house more easily or would offer comfort and relaxation will be ideal.

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Gifts For People With Foot Pain

Foot pain relief mat

If someone you know suffers from foot pain, below are some gifts that they will truly appreciate when receiving the gifts and especially when and after using them. Foot pain is mostly caused by ill-fitting shoes/sandals, or letting the foot have too much contact with flat and hard surfaces without proper support, thus most gift ideas introduced below are to provide comfort, relaxation and support to the foot.

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Gifts For People with Neck Pain

Neck pain

Besides back pain, neck pain is also a common problem today, especially for those who have to sit and work long hours in front of a computer everyday. I have a post about Gifts for people with Back Pain, which has been receiving great feedback, so here you go, a separate post dedicated to products and gift ideas for people with neck pain. Like back pain, neck pain can be a real … pain in the neck. Hopefully, the gift ideas below can help alleviate the neck pain for you or someone you know. Some products like the accupressure mat can actually help with preventing back and neck pain.

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Winter Gifts For People Who Are In Pain

Winter gifts

Winter is a holiday season with Thanks Giving, Christmas and the New Year and supposed to be a cheerful occasion for all. However, for those who have chronic pain caused by arthritis, rheumatism, back pain, neck pain or other kinds of muscle and join pains, winter and holidays can become painful.

Hopefully, the list of gifts below together with other gift ideas for different kinds of pain found throughout the site for will bring back holiday, bring back the coziness, relief and smiles to those you loved. Some of the ideas are so simple, and sometimes too simple to make it to your list. Also, although I titled this post “for people who are in pain,” these gift ideas should be good for all – your friends, your spouse, mom and dad.

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