Archive: Gifts for Women

Valentine Gifts for Her

Valentine’s Day is around the corner… If you are looking for gift ideas to mark or celebrate your special occasion on this special day, below are some ideas. The way I look at it, there are two ways (only two? you can argue) to approach gifting for Valentine’s, one is sort of romantic gift for those who are younger and still have that energy wanting to make that day exciting and memorable; the other is the kind of gift for those that have been celebrating many Valentine’s Days together, who may prefer a romantic but quieter day/evening but knowing that their other halves are still caring much for them. Hopefully, I’ll cover both.

Chocolate, candies, gift basket, jewelry and flowers are classics but still good for gifting. The only thing is remember to select the one that looks precious and special — just like the other one meant to you. Let’s start with some sweets for this sweet day.

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Gifts for Expecting Mother – Baby Diapering and More

Babies eat, sleep and you know it,… poop. While the previous post Gift for Expecting Mothers – Got Milk? presented essential items to help expecting mothers with feeding the baby, this post is more about products to help with cleaning up after the babies. Besides diapers, which is of course the most obvious, there are many more stuff that you may not know they eve exist and can gift to help future moms and dads feel less intimidated with this least exciting but extremely important task.

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Gifts for Expecting Mothers – Got Milk?

Breastmilk is perhaps one of the best things a mother can do for her new born baby. Breastmilk is proven to cultivate healthy bacteria in a newborn’s intestinal system which helps the baby absorb nutrients better and boost its immune system development. Also, breastmilk is free! Besides some obvious products that you can gift expecting mothers such as baby bottles, there are some not so obvious ones that can help both moms and babies tapping into this wonderful free source of healthy goodness.

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Gifts for Expecting Mothers – Comfortable Pregnancy

Following the previous post about “Gifts and Tips to Avoid Back Pain During Pregnancy,” this post is about gifts and gift ideas for the moms-to-be. I’ll re-use some of the ideas mentioned in the previous article but with additional details. Expecting mothers, no matter how experienced, need lots of help and support from friends and families to get through the nine long months of pregnancy safe and sound and the months that follow to take care of the baby. Some gifts to show your support, appreciation and encouragement would be nice. Below you can find gift ideas that will do just that by helping moms-to-be feel more comfortable, more appreciated and more beautiful (again).

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Gifts for People with Frequent Headaches and Migraines


I love writing about gifts and gift ideas that help us solve the problems we have or at least make them become more tolerable. That’s why the first couple of posts I wrote on Gift ASAP were all about pain relieving gifts — the kind of pains that my friends and relatives and probably yours, too, have been experiencing. This time, I’m turning to a problem that I’ve had — migraine headaches. The headaches can come out of the blue or can be triggered by anything from strong smell (of perfume or smoke), bright sun light, heat, noise, caffeine or stress and deadlines.

When the headache strikes, I don’t want to do anything, just want to lay down, close my eyes and rest. If it strikes at work, I turn off the light, take a cup of warm tea, and close my eyes for several minutes from time to time — small things that help get me through the day. Below are some products and gift ideas that people with frequent headaches will appreciate.

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